Friends of Mystery Book Sale
We will be holding our Annual Book Sale at our final Bloody Thursday of the 2015-2016 Season, May 26, 2016. Choose from first edition and advanced reader copy mysteries and thrillers. All proceeds go to support the Friends of Mystery. And after the sale, stay to hear...
Cameron to Speak at Stayton Library
Spotted Owl Winner Bill Cameron will be speaking at the Stayton, Oregon Library on Thursday, March 24th at 7:00pm. Bill will discuss his work and the mysteries he loves. Learn more.
Talking Mystery at Annie Bloom’s Books
Portland mystery fans! A trio of amazing authors — Stephanie Gayle, Bill Cameron and Lisa Alber — will be at Annie Bloom’s Books on Tuesday, November 10. 2015 at 7:00pm. Fellow mystery author Cindy Brown will moderate this impressive lineup. More info about...
Harvest Writing Contest Entry Deadline
Entries for the Central Oregon Writers Guild’s 8th annual Harvest Writing will be accepted until midnight on August 16th. The contest is open to residents of Oregon. This is a great opportunity to gain constructive feedback from a panel of judges and polish your...