About Friends of Mystery
About Friends of Mystery
Friends of Mystery is a non-profit literary/educational organization headquartered in Portland, Oregon. Its purpose is to promote educational study in all realms related to mystery. Members are interested in fiction, true crime, how mysteries are solved, and many other aspects of knowledge that can be included in the term “mystery.”
We sponsor a series of public meetings, called Bloody Thursdays, publish a newsletter, The Blood-Letter, give an annual award, the Spotted Owl, for the best mystery by a Pacific Northwest author. And, we also sponsor a local reading group.
Executive Committee
Jeannette Voss – President, Chair of the Spotted Owl Committee, and Editor of the Bloodletter
Carrie Richards – Treasurer
Kelly Garrett and Bill Cameron – Co-Chairs, Programs
Martha Ragland, Contact Person for FOM reading group
Jay Margulies, Ex-Officio
Elinore Rogers – President Emeritus